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HKU professors were invited to share their latest research projects at the 2016 Technology Sharing Seminar organized by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR Government


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Dr. Paddy K L Chan and Dr. Tony H P Feng of the Department of Mechanical Engineering were invited to present at the 2016 Technology Sharing Seminar organized by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) of the HKSAR Government on May 19.

Dr. Paddy Chan gave a talk on the flexible sensor technologies being developed by his team and their effective applications on healthcare monitoring. Dr. Tony Feng also showcased his Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) technologies and their superior performances for powering indoor applications. Their presentations were well received by the 100 and more EMSD colleagues participating the event. 

Both Dr. Chan and Dr. Feng have started their own companies earlier this year to commercialize their research projects mentioned above and both of them are awarded the TSSSU@HKU FY2016/17 funding support.

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