Final Session of FICPI SEAD training course on patent drafting
Back to 新闻In support of the University’s mission of knowledge exchange, the Technology Transfer Office has again partnered with The Federation of Internationale des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle (FICPI) (in English – the International Federation of Industrial Property Attorneys) to run the South East Asian Drafting (SEAD) training course on patent drafting for the second time. The course is divided into three segments with 6 internationally renowned patent attorneys serving as instructors. Segment 1 is a series of tutorials and workshops for 5 days; Segment 2 is for students to work on four drafting exercise by correspondence; Segment 3 is a second series of tutorials and workshops over 5 days. The course is intended for the benefit of legal practitioners, patent administrators, researchers and technology transfer professionals.
The final session (Segment 3) of the course was held successfully from September 19-23, 2011. 32 participants from Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam with various qualifications including legal / intellectual property, engineering, medical devices, biotechnical, informational technology, economics, marketing and pharmaceutical.
Six teams of HKU Students admitted to the Cyberport University Partnership Programme (CUPP)
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